AWWA / National News

The Latest AWWA, U.S. EPA, PA. DEP, Legislative and Regulatory Information:

  • EPA to Request Additional Input:  EPA announced that it is extending the effective date of the Revised Lead and Copper Rule (LCR)

    EPA to Request Additional Input  EPA announced that it is extending the effective date of the Revised Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) so that the agency can seek further public input, particularly from communities that are most at-risk of exposure to lead in drinking water. To accomplish this goal, EPA has posted two pre-publication notices regarding…

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  • EPA finalizes regulatory determinations (CCL4) PFOS and PFOA

    EPA finalizes regulatory determinations (CCL4) PFOS and PFOA The March 3, 2021  Federal Register Notice is here:  [use the PDF button on the right hand side for the best version] On February, 22, 2021, EPA reissued final regulatory determinations for contaminants on the fourth Contaminant Candidate List (CCL 4). EPA is making final determinations to regulate two contaminants, perfluorooctanesulfonic acid…

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  • Are you looking to promote your company’s products or services to the key decision-makers in Pennsylvania’s water industry? Time to advertise in The Water News Source!

    Are you looking to promote your company’s products or services to the key decision-makers in Pennsylvania’s water industry?   Advertising space is now being reserved for the Summer issue of Pennsylvania AWWA’s magazine – The Water News Source. Along with the printed copies that will be mailed-out to the entire PA-AWWA membership, your ad will also appear in the digital version on…

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