AWWA / National News

The Latest AWWA, U.S. EPA, PA. DEP, Legislative and Regulatory Information:

  • AWWA Director nominations being sought

    AWWA Director nominations being sought  Nominations are currently being sought for the position of AWWA Director for the 2022-2025 PA-AWWA Board of Directors. Michael Brown’s term is due to expire at the 2022 Annual Conference. This position needs to be filled at least six months prior to the 2022 conference in order to transition and…

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  • Ten Communities Selected for EPA Roundtable Discussions on Lead in Drinking Water…Opens in Pittsburgh on June 3rd Ten Communities Selected for EPA Roundtable Discussions on Lead in Drinking Water 05/26/2021 Contact Information: EPA Press Office ([email protected]) WASHINGTON – Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the ten communities that have been selected for virtual roundtable discussions on EPA’s Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) Revisions. The roundtables will foster dialogue on the experience…

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  • Important Information: US EPA Press Release for Lead in Drinking Water discussions with communities

    US EPA Press Release for Lead in Drinking Water discussions with communities I thought others may be interested in the communities chosen for the discussions about lead in drinking water and the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions. Tribal discussions will also occur, as well as with other stakeholders such as primacy agencies. Patti Kay…

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