AWWA / National News

The Latest AWWA, U.S. EPA, PA. DEP, Legislative and Regulatory Information:

  • New Research Shows Most Americans are Unaware of Their Daily Water Consumption

    New Research Shows Most Americans are Unaware of Their Daily Water Consumption   MECHANICSBURG, Pa. (Oct. 21, 2021) – According to new research conducted by global research agency Opinium on behalf of American Water, Americans underestimate the amount of water they use daily by 90%. Most believe they use less than 100 gallons of water each day, when…

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  • TODAY…October 21, 2021 is Imagine a Day Without Water !

    PA-AWWA Members: October 21, 2021 is Imagine a Day Without Water!           Today, we Imagine a Day Without Water. It’s a day to learn where your water comes from and where it goes. Turn on the tap, and clean water flows out. Flush the toilet, and dirty water goes away. When…

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  • PFAS Strategic Roadmap: EPA’s Commitments to Action 2021-2024

    PFAS Strategic Roadmap: EPA’s Commitments to Action 2021-2024 On October 18, 2021, EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan announced the agency’s PFAS Strategic Roadmap—laying out a whole-of-agency approach to addressing PFAS. The roadmap sets timelines by which EPA plans to take specific actions and commits to bolder new policies to safeguard public health, protect the…

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