AWWA / National News

The Latest AWWA, U.S. EPA, PA. DEP, Legislative and Regulatory Information:

  • EPA Announces Proposed Decision to Regulate PFOA and PFOS in Drinking Water

    EPA Announces Proposed Decision to Regulate PFOA and PFOS in Drinking Water On February 20, 2020, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) took another important step in implementing the Agency’s PFAS Action Plan by proposing regulatory determinations for perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in drinking water. Today’s preliminary determinations mark a key milestone…

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  • Study funded in part by PA DEP finds no evidence fracking waste harming Pennsylvania streams…Source: Pennsylvania Business Report

    Study funded in part by PA DEP finds no evidence fracking waste harming Pennsylvania streams A new federal study failed to find evidence that oil and gas production in northern Pennsylvania has contaminated the commonwealth’s forest rivers and streams, providing a timely counterweight to the vows to ban fracking being made by some Democratic presidential…

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  • AWWA Proposed Comments on LCR

    AWWA Proposed Comments on LCR AWWA today submitted its comments on the proposed changes to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Lead and Copper Rule. We are grateful to all the Sections who have developed their own comments and helped the Association refine its comments. The Sections and utilities can still submit comments to the…

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