AWWA Survey: Legal challenges for water utilities

AWWA Survey: Legal challenges for water utilities

Dear Colleague,

AWWA is increasingly hearing from our members about the growing challenges water utilities are encountering as they seek to meet their increasingly diverse legal services needs.

To enable AWWA to develop and provide resources that can better address these needs, we are asking water utility senior management and in-house legal professionals to complete the accompanying survey.   Your responses will be compiled and will help guide AWWA leadership and staff in providing future legal-focused programs and activities that can help water utilities address these issues.

Follow this link to the Survey:


You have until late October to complete the survey. If you have any questions about the survey, please feel free to contact Kathleen Chaballa, Data Analyst, at AWWA’s headquarters (Email: [email protected]).

Thank you in advance for your participation.


Paula I. MacIlwaine
Deputy Chief Executive Officer
American Water Works Association