U.S. EPA: AWIA Risk Assessment training opportunities and webinar training

AWIA Risk Assessment training opportunities

The U.S. EPA is hosting additional full-day, in-person and web-accessible training on the risk assessment and emergency response plan requirements for AWIA. During the training, participants will learn about the requirements for AWIA Section 2013 (risk assessments and ERPs) and 2018 (EPCRA changes including spill notification and access to Tier II data) as well as how to properly certify completion of these requirements.

There are no in-person sessions in our region, however, you may attend any webinar that you wish.  You must register in advance!

All of the details can be found at: https://www.epa.gov/waterresilience/americas-water-infrastructure-act-risk-assessments-and-emergency-response-plans#TNG

If you haven’t seen it, this page also has a link to the certification process and a video on how to certify.

EPA’s 50th Anniversary: Progress for a Stronger Future


Patti Kay Wisniewski

Drinking Water Preparedness and Resiliency Coordinator

US EPA Region 3

Drinking Water Section (3WD21)

1650 Arch Street

Phila, PA  19103



Cell: 215-514-7893

Email: [email protected]

(note the hyphen appears in email only)