Water System Security

Important WATER Security ISSUES
This section will keep you up-to-date on the important aspect of industry security. Be sure to check back often!

  • PA-AWWA Supporters: Are you looking for an effective way to put your company’s products or services in front of the key decision-makers in Pennsylvania’s water industry?

    PA-AWWA Supporters: Are you looking for an effective way to put your company’s products or services in front of the key decision-makers in Pennsylvania’s water industry? Advertising space is now being reserved for the Summer issue of the new-look PA-AWWA magazine – The Water News Source – and we encourage you to take full advantage of its potential to…

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  • US EPA: COVID-19 Resources

    FEMA Administrator April 15, 2020 Letter to Emergency Managers The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) released a letter on April 15, 2020 to the Nation’s Emergency Managers, which outlines lessons learned from the first 30 days of FEMA leading the “Whole-of-America” response to the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic.   This letter expressed the need for…

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  • PA DEP: Important Information for Operators: Regarding Maintaining Continuing Education for Water and Wastewater Operators

    PA DEP: Important Information for Operators: Regarding Maintaining Continuing Education for Water and Wastewater Operators  PA DEP has posted applicable information in two locations…here, which is the Bureau of Safe Drinking COVID-19 webpage which contains guidance for public water systems and labs: https://www.dep.pa.gov/Business/Water/BureauSafeDrinkingWater/Pages/Coronavirus.aspx  Specific to your questions on continuing education, please scroll down and select…

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