Important WATER Security ISSUES
This section will keep you up-to-date on the important aspect of industry security. Be sure to check back often!
Celebrate PA-AWWA’s 75th Anniversary by advertising in the Water New Source
PA-AWWA Supporters: In 2023, the Pennsylvania AWWA will be celebrating its 75th Anniversary. Advertising space is now being reserved for the “75th Annual Conference” issue of the association’s magazine – The Water News Source. 2,000 copies of the “75th Annual Conference” issue will be printedPLUSyour ad will also appear in the digital edition on the association’s website. There will also be a bonus…
ASCE RELEASES 2022 REPORT CARD FOR PA INFRASTRUCTURE By Derek Danneker, Pennsylvania Legislative Services | November 15, 2022 American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) announced that it gave Pennsylvania’s infrastructure a “C-“ in its grading scale at a press conference Tuesday. Loujin Daher, president, Central Pennsylvania section, ASCE, emphasized the importance of infrastructure in the daily…
TIME TO REGISTER FOR A FREE WEBINAR FOR SMALL WATER SYSTEMS: December 13, 14 and 15…AWWA and RCAP Workshop – SDWA – Maintaining Compliance – On-Line (Systems less than 10,000) 6 PA DEP Contact (Water)
AWWA and RCAP Workshop – SDWA – Maintaining Compliance – On-Line (Systems less than 10,000) PA DEP Course ID# 8700…6 PA DEP Contact Hours (Water)…Limited Seating! The training has been scheduled in the Go To Training platform. The registration is now open. The times for each day are slated for 10am-12pm. Registration – Description – Water Utilities…