Water System Security

Important WATER Security ISSUES
This section will keep you up-to-date on the important aspect of industry security. Be sure to check back often!

  • Are you looking to promote your company’s products or services to the key decision-makers in Pennsylvania’s water industry? Time to advertise in The Water News Source!

    Are you looking to promote your company’s products or services to the key decision-makers in Pennsylvania’s water industry?   Advertising space is now being reserved for the Summer issue of Pennsylvania AWWA’s magazine – The Water News Source. Along with the printed copies that will be mailed-out to the entire PA-AWWA membership, your ad will also appear in the digital version on…

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  • AWWA and RCAP Workshop for Pennsylvania Small Systems SDWA – Maintaining Compliance – On-Line (Systems <10,000) PA DEP Course ID# 8700

    AWWA and RCAP Workshop for Pennsylvania Small Systems SDWA – Maintaining Compliance AWWA and RCAP Workshop for Pennsylvania Small Systems SDWA – Maintaining Compliance – On-Line (Systems <10,000) PA DEP Course ID# 8700 REGISTER ONLINE AT: https://attendee.gototraining.com/r/3368673143296889346 ONLINE Workshop via Go To Training March 9, 10, and 11, 2021 1:00pm- 3:00pm (must attend all 3 days…

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  • US EPA: Cybersecurity Webpage and Checklist Information

    EPA is sharing this information widely with large and medium-sized community water suppliers and others. EPA has a cybersecurity webpage: https://www.epa.gov/waterriskassessment/epa-cybersecurity-best-practices-water-sector And a Cyber Incident Action Checklist: https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2017-11/documents/171013-incidentactionchecklist-cybersecurity_form_508c.pdf Patti Kay Wisniewski Drinking Water Preparedness and Resiliency Coordinator US EPA Region 3 Drinking Water Section (3WD21) 1650 Arch Street Phila, PA  19103 215-814-5668 Cell: 215-514-7893 Email: [email protected] (note the…

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