Would you like to advertise your products or services to key decision-makers in Pennsylvania’s water industry? Opportunities below!
Job Board
If you have open job positions, and would like to advertise on our website, post your open positions on our Job Board!
Members with Job Posting Access have the ability to submit their open job positions for approval, along with payment, directly from the Member Info Hub!
Job Board Rates:
- MEMBER RATE - $75.00 (60 days)
- NON-MEMBER RATE - $100.00 (60 days)
Once you submit your job posting and complete payment information, your job will be posted to our website within 1 business day. For a step-by-step guide to posting your job on PA-AWWA's website, click the button below!
The Water News Source
The Water News Source is the official magazine of the Pennsylvania AWWA.
- Published quarterly (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter), your ad will appear in the printed copies that are mailed out to the PA-AWWA members.
- PLUS, your ad will also appear in the digital version on the association’s website giving it even more added exposure online!
PA-AWWA Membership Directory
Our directory is a resource guide for over 2,000 active, utility, associate and multi-state members.
To reserve space in The Water News Source or the Membership Directory, please contact our publisher Dave Gill at 866-985-9791 or by email david@kelman.ca.
Past Editions
To access past editions, join today!
Contact us at info@paawwa.org for more info.